Auto Dealerships Through a Gender Lens: MavenMagnet Insights Assistant Study
Dealership experience is a crucial aspect of the customer journey in the automotive industry. With the emerging prominence of female buyers in the industry, we deployed MavenMagnet Insights Assistant to understand customer expectations from dealership experiences across different stages of the consumer journey, draw correlations between experience markers, and identify distinct preferences and needs of men and women.
Here are some key highlights:
To encapsulate the quintessential gender distinction: Men tend to take a Practical, Utilitarian Approach, while Women place greater emphasis on Interpersonal Dynamics
The dealership journey for women is profoundly influenced by the quality of their interactions with staff members. It is the demeanor of the staff, particularly their helpfulness, respectfulness, and patience, that shapes the experience for female customers. The essence of their satisfaction stems more from how they are perceived and treated, rather than the material offerings presented to them.
Conversely, men adopt a pragmatic perspective towards their dealership encounters. The cornerstones of their experience are rooted in service quality and genuineness. Post-purchase service and a sense of authenticity, gauged through steadfast service commitments, transparent communication, and fair pricing strategies, are paramount. For male customers, the tangible benefits and outcomes of the service hold greater significance.
For all customers, male as well as female, Post-Purchase Experience has emerged as a pivotal element in cultivating trust and fostering loyalty among consumers. It demonstrates a strong correlation with Dealership Brand Perception and Dealership Accountability, that in turn drives Word-of-Mouth referrals and sustained loyalty. Positive post-purchase interactions assure customers that their choice of dealership was sound, thereby reinforcing the dealership’s reputation and turning them into advocates.